2nd & 3rd Class
September Recap!
2nd Class & 3rd Class are absolutely loving their new classroom and have settled right back into school life after the summer break.
We have been doing a lot of hands-on learning, discovery learning, group work and pair work.
We learned about butter churns in History, so we decided to make our own butter. It was delicious!!
For Geography and Science, we decided to go on a minibeast and plant hunt around our local area. There are a lot of creepy crawlies around Murrisk!! We also painted and designed our own minibeasts in Art.
We have also done a lot of hands-on learning in Maths; learning all about Place Value and 2D Shapes through fun challenges.

October Recap!
2nd Class & 3rd Class have been really busy during October. We celebrated Maths Week with a variety of activities, games and challenges including Lego Spike, Mathletics, a Maths Trail and Dancing Digits.
We have been learning poems in both English ('Autumn') and Irish ('Shiúil Mé) which we were so happy to perform at our recent Assembly. In Maths, we have been covering Data recently and the Middle Room children each made their own bar graphs. In SESE, we have been researching Foods From Around The World and we did projects on our favourite foods.
Finally, we also finished the month with our annual Halloween dress up day!! The costumes this year were absolutely amazing, as they always are!

November & December Recap!
It as been a busy couple of months in the Middle Room!
2nd & 3rd classes received their scripts and parts for the Christmas Play in early November. The play was called 'The Fleece Force' and it was all about an elite flock of sheep assigned to patrol the streets of Bethlehem during the census!!
We practiced regularly, sorted our own costumes, created our own actions to the songs and added our own humorous lines. The play was a huge success and we got a massive round of applause at the end.
Aside from our Oscar winning acting, we had Science Week where we made functioning robotic structures out of Lego as well as playing with the BeeBots and doing a Science Quiz. In Maths, we learned all about Shape and Space and the different ways shapes can transform. We covered Bia in Irish and linked this to the Food Pyramid in SPHE. We also started reading Charlotte's Web as our class novel.
Finally, we have been creating wonderful pieces of Winter and Christmas Art and learning all about the Advent Wreath in Religion.